本公司秉持著『顧客為先、專業為本』的經營理念,對於人才的培育一直不餘遺力。結合公司願景提供多元化的學習管道及訓練資源,並注重員工永續全方位學習發展,提高員工工作效率、競爭力和成就感,達到育才、留才及組織共榮的目標,進而增強企業競爭力,期許同仁能夠樂在工作,與公司一同成長。 The Company adheres to the “customer first, profession based” business philosophy as we have worked tirelessly to cultivate talents. The Company provides a variety of learning channels and training resources in combination with the Company’s vision, and pays attention to the sustainable and all-round learning and development of its employees, improves employee work efficiency, competitiveness, and sense of achievement to achieve the goal of talent cultivation, retainment, and common prosperity within the organization. This further enhances the Company’s competitiveness as we hope that our colleagues can work happily, and grow together with the company.
和潤提供多元福利,打造員工幸福職場 Hotai Finance provides various benefits to create a happy workplace for its employees.

To improve the quality of the Company’s personnel and cultivate all-round competences, the Company has a comprehensive career rotation and development system. The rotation mechanism helps colleagues have a deeper understanding of the Company’s operations, cultivate diversified skills, and have career goals of becoming “universal talents”, to then enhance self-competitiveness.
It is a necessary and long-term task for companies to improve the professional qualities of their personnel. If a company can cultivate a group of enthusiastic, professional, and educational lecturers to serve the company, that would be ideal. The Company has been actively investing in cultivating supervisors and colleagues towards becoming internal seed lecturers, inspiring everyone in the Company to continue their growth in their professional fields. This allows them to carry out knowledge management more effectively, and they will shape the Company’s learning culture as they become mentors for passing on knowledge and experience. 專業課程之外另設計通識課程以培養專業能力以外的軟性能力,例如:職場充電等系列課程,讓員工得以強化職場核心競爭能力,進而展現良好的績效表現與人際互動關係。

E-Learning 線上學習教育
The Company regularly provides a variety of internal publications for colleagues: the “Hotai Finance YOU&ME” quarterly, the “Hotai Finance E-News Academy” e-monthly that allows colleagues to obtain new knowledge about the industry, group and company news, sharing of knowledge, information about clubs, employee-contributed columns, and travel information. 本公司線上學習平台每季提供全體必修課程,另提供多元、豐富的選修課程,讓同仁依自身學習需求選修課程,同仁可以隨報隨上以提升工作技能。為了讓各同仁學習更便利,亦推出線上學習APP,讓同仁學習不受時間、空間之限制,更大大提升學習效率。