※ 本公司保留案件核准與否及核准條件之權利。 ※ The company reserves the right for approval of the cases and conditions.
Therefore, Hotai Finance played a key role and acted as the company’s financial advisor. In addition to solving the issue of capital circulation through accounts receivable services, Hotai Finance also suggested CEO Wang use real estate as the subject matter to finance, and carry out the decoration and equipment of the new office to take the company to the next level. 王執行長的公司以線上語言學習及資訊軟體服務為主,近期因總部遷址而投入大筆資金購置房地產;又因疫情期間適逢政府輔助員工進修外語,短期與逾70家公司簽訂合約,惟請款期間需6個月,一般銀行無法即時提供資金需求。於是和潤扮演關鍵角色,充當起公司的財務顧問,除了透過應收帳款業務解決了資金週轉問題之外,也建議王執行長將房地產作為財務操作標的進行融資,進行新辦公室的裝修和設備採購,讓公司更上一層樓。

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請點選您希望的聯絡方式,將有您的專屬金融顧問,為您提供資金規劃。 Please click on the contact method you prefer and you will have an exclusive financial consultant to provide you with financial planning.
Green Corporation of Hotai Finance Corporation 和潤企業的綠色使命
Through environmental protection, bettering corporate governance, and strengthening corporate social responsibility, we strive to become an eco-friendly green enterprise. 在追求公司成長同時,我們也兼顧環境友善,朝綠色企業之目標邁進,並以組織化的方式推行和潤的永續管理