資訊安全管理政策 Information Security Management Policy
Since its establishment in 1999, Hotai Finance Corporation has demonstrated financial expertise by continuously improving and innovating diverse financial products. Hotai Finance Corporation has accumulated nearly three million customer cases. To ensure the safety of our customers’ personal data and minimize information security risks, we are committed to strengthening our information safety system and hence issue the Information Security Management Policy. The policy aims to provide employees a clear conduct to follow, and Hotai Finance Corporation expects each employee to participate and advocate for the policy to ensure the smooth operation of data, information systems, equipment, and the internet.
Implement information security, and strengthen service quality
ISMS shall be followed by all employees. All information safety-related measures shall ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sales information, to prevent the risk of disclosure, damage or loss of information, and appropriate measures shall be taken to minimize risks. Hotai Finance Corporation shall continue to supervise, review and audit the tasks of ISMS to strengthen service quality.
Strengthen information safety training, and ensure operation efficiency
Hotai Finance Corporation has adapted the following in response:
- a.Through diverse training and communication channels, continue to strengthen employees’ awareness of information safety. For example: employees must undergo mandatory training on information safety to prevent personal data safety breaches.
- b.Information safety audits are conducted annually, to raise employee awareness and strengthen emergency response.
Ensure emergency response for quick recovery
Establish a recovery plan in case of security breaches on important asset and businesses-related information, and conduct regular drills for smooth operation and recovery to minimize damages in the case of system errors or disasters.
- a.透過多元化形式的教育訓練及溝通宣導,持續深化每位同仁的資安意識。例如:針對全體同仁,每年需接受資安教育訓練與測驗,以減少因不清楚資安規定,引發資安事件或外洩機敏資料。
- b.每年進行資安稽核,落實全體同仁資訊安全管理工作,建立「資訊安全、人人有責」的觀念,促使同仁瞭解資訊安全之重要性,促其遵守資訊安全規定,藉此提高資訊安全智能及緊急應變能力,降低資訊安全風險,達持續營運之目標。
Green Corporation of Hotai Finance Corporation 和潤企業的綠色使命
Through environmental protection, bettering corporate governance, and strengthening corporate social responsibility, we strive to become an eco-friendly green enterprise. 在追求公司成長同時,我們也兼顧環境友善,朝綠色企業之目標邁進,並以組織化的方式推行和潤的永續管理